Monday, June 3, 2013

Why Foster Funny

Why Foster Funny? Well I am a Foster Parent and my niece gave me the nick name Funny which actually began as Aunt So Funny (she could not say Stephanie) which eventually shortened to just Funny. Plus, trying to come up with something original for the sake of a URL these days is nearly impossible.

We always knew we wanted to Foster and or Adopt early on in our relationship, but kept putting it off as we continued to try to have kids the old fashioned way. After our second loss, we decided we just could not wait any longer to help children and contacted Angels Foster Family Network to begin our journey.

It took some time to get approved and complete training, but in November 2011 we welcomed our first foster child, a 9 month old boy, into our home. We've been an Uncle and Aunt for years but having complete responsibility for a child 24/7 was a whole new story for us.

We have now fostered 3 boys, E.T., and J & B. E.T. we had for 13 months, and 10 days after he went home, on New Years Eve, we brought home J & B.

We tell our foster children our names are Zach and Stephanie or Funny when they meet us and leave it up to them to decide what to call us. So far it's usually Daddy and Mommy, or in the case of our latest toddler he calls me both Mommy and Nana.

While I don't care what they call me, it melts my heart to hear someone call me Mommy. To hear someone call Zach Daddy, is just so special, because he makes such a great Daddy!

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